The Elf Owl…..

And The Burrowing Owl are low light or daytime feeders……Never knew that, I thought all owls hunted at night….Well “this” old night owl is having to change things up a bit…..Now having to become a LOW light Owl! I have not had to get used to morning hours in a long time…..Ughhhh, but hey, On the bright side? for 2 bucks more an hour? Ill make do. But Its not easy changing old habits, I’m so used to staying up all hours of the night…..At least I have the sleeping pills so I “CAN” sleep at night, There are always more positives than negatives if you look at something from every angle.

I have put in 3 days now at my new job, but it has all been in a tiny room behind a computer, doing all the necessary training modules, that alone has me worn out. I didn’t know about all the other things a Cashier might have to do either…. 😉 an Elf Owl feigns death when frightened….think that would work for me too?  LOL! Nahhhh!! I’ll get just as used to this job as I did the last one. I didn’t assume this one would be any easier than the last one was, just different dancing shoes is all. I just hope I remember to breath, I’m always so tense to begin with…..

Art……I have once again let it slide, as I am now adjusting to a new schedule once again….I pray now that I will find it a bit more relaxing schedule and if not? well then I will get my car paid off faster, and if there is a chance to receive a 3 day a week schedule in the future? I will grab it and RUN! if not? eventually I suppose I will just quit trying…..Not my art of course….But for some reason…..I thought finding a 3 day a week job would be simple…..hmmmmm…..not so much….don’t get me wrong, It IS part time…..there are some days that I only work 4 hours…..but honestly? 3 eight hour days is what I was hoping for.

There hasn’t been much else going on in my world, I found a new Doctor and he took many vials of blood, and so far the results are in for 2 things, I don’t have Lupus or RA. Thanks goodness!! I will see him again next week and get the rest of my results.                              I am seriously considering Joining a nearby gym, perhaps all I need is to re-build any (most) lost muscle mass, It cant hurt……and they have full body massage chairs….the only thing that it’s lacking is a pool, that would be a great LOW impact workout. But…… filling all my time with all this………stuff… that good??? Are we suppose to be so busy? I suppose it cant be any worse than staying shut up in the house every day, still not getting a thing done…..We can complain about no time for anything, or we can find the time for the things that matter the most, either way? Wasted…or Busy…..Its still time, its still going to pass……Nothing will change that fact.

I hope your day is Blessed with Loved Ones, and Things You Love To Do! Have A Beautiful Weekend!! and Happy Mothers Day to all You Moms Out There!!

About dhowell9000

50 years old, Happily Married to my soul mate, raised 5 children, have 6 grandchildren, Have 3 dogs and 3 cats (rescued all) Work Part time in a drugstore, and make Creative Stuff of all kinds in my Free Time
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